Thank you to everyone who came out to see Elissa Malespina's AI presentation!  I linked the presentation for those who missed it.  While she went over a variety of AI tools, the clear winner was Notebook LM!  You've got to check it out!

Please join us on March 20th for a Round Table Discussion!


Click HERE if you missed it!

Laura Sudak presented Microbits.  Here is her presentation and the video.  (The video was just made via a chromebook, so don't expect much!  Laura's presentation is chock full of great info!  From how to get started to how to fund them!

Use the link above to see Jess's list of the Best Books of 2023.  She has curated them into three lists;  Elementary, Middle School and HS. You will need to sign into Mackin to see the list, but you do not need to be a Mackin customer to create an account.  (So sign up for an account and you can see the list for free!)   - Nancy

If it makes it a bit easier for you, here are the lists transcribed into a Google Sheet.  Click on the tabs at the bottom to get to the level that you need.


Are you a member?  Members receive our newsletter, hear about our workshops and meet fellow colleagues in the field.  Be sure to check your junk/SPAM folder!!! We are getting a lot of reports of missing emails and that ends up being the case.

Membership is $20 per year.  Click on the MEMBERSHIP tab to learn more.

Congratulations to our very own Jill Mills for receiving the President's Award at the 2023 NJASL Conference! 


We strive to bring you thoughtful programming and activities that benefit you - the School Media Specialist

And we take requests!! If you have a topic or issue you'd like to see a workshop on, let us know!

Constitution and History of MCSMA

Morris County School Library Association was founded in 1958, but the earliest surviving minutes date to the March 25, 1964 meeting held at Dover High School.  Our earliest membership list dates back to 1965.  Dues in 1965 were $2.00 and were raised to $5.00 in the late 1970's.  The first edition of News and Views was published in November, 1978.  It was edited by Bea Stone.  The early history of our organization was compiled by Dora Stolfi, but unfortunately this material was lost after her death in 1979.


 Many thanks to Barbara Scanlan who compiled this information.


Executive Board


President: Nancy Bosch

Corresponding Secretary:  Kimberly Meyerson

Recording Secretary: Emily Galow

Treasurer: Roxana Caivano

Committee Chairpersons

Archives & Constitution: Jill Mills

Awards/Nominations- TBD

College/University:  Lynee Richel Dokus

Intellectual Freedom:  Sue Murray

Membership: Roxana Caivano

Newsletter Editor: Jill Mills

Private/Parochial Schools:  TBD

Professional Development:  Mary Szoke

Programming - Nancy Bosch

Public Libraries: Rose Schulman

Publicity/Webmaster: Nancy Bosch

Regional Libraries / Consortium: Jill Mills

Retirees: Mary Szoke

Technology: TBD